Automatically calculate report dates

How many times have you had to type in dates to generate a report? How many times have you made a mistake?

All our reports that require a date have buttons to calculate those most frequently used.  Here's an example report screen:

Here's what happens when you click some of the date-generating buttons:

This Week
Last Month
3rd Quarter

Then you can select any report that uses a date range (shown at the bottom of the screen); the report will use the report dates shown on the screen.

Of course, if you want any other date range (1 day?  half a month?), you can type in whatever dates you want.

This not only saves time, aggravation and mistakes, it's also very cost-effective.  You don't have to pay me to program a "daily report", "weekly report", "monthly report" and "quarterly report".

Peck Tech Designs - consultants providing creative custom software development, integration, Internet web site programming, database design, and application and data conversion to clients in Connecticut and throughout the USA.

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